Glo Gallery

(305) 758-2727
55 NE 87th Street
(100 yds. West of Biscayne Blvd.)
Miami, Florida 33138

SOLD ….Fine 19th Century Bronze Figure of Pan on Carved Wood Base

Original price was: $2,850.00.
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Extremely detailed and finely chased Bronze Figure of Pan in celebration or dance perhaps in Bacchanalia. Flutes, laurel scepter raised, lion skin cloak, floral head garland and exquisite detail highlight this statue.   Intricate carved dark wood base.  Wonderful warm bronze patina.  Surprisingly no signature on this exceptional piece.
Measurements:  Base 8 inches in  diameter  x   2 1/8 inches high.    Figure 17 inches high.    Total height 19 1/4 inches.

Materials: Bronze, carved wood base.