Glo Gallery

(305) 758-2727
55 NE 87th Street
(100 yds. West of Biscayne Blvd.)
Miami, Florida 33138

Organic Modern Livia Gorka Rustic Pottery Decorative Wall Hanging Plate Hungary 1960s

Original price was: $525.00.
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Mid Century Modern Decorative Plate by Hungarian artist Gorka Livia (1925-2011). This plate like all of her ceramics is hand thrown and has a freeform feel due the uneven shape of the vessel which is almost oblong. The color is mustard yellow decorated with two large stylized fish in black.  It was made to hang and a wire loop was incorporated unto the back. The plate dates from the 1960s.

Incised on back –  GL  HUNGARY    Underglaze a1/F  or  Gl/F on back

Livia trained in her father’s atelier, Gèza Gorka and under his tutelage.  Livia developed some unique colorful glazes and gave some unusual forms to her pieces. Her pictorial subject matter was  usually of  fluid forms of fish and birds. Both her father, Geza, and Livia are represented in the Gorka Museum in Verõce, Hungary

Measurements:  11 inches  x  11  1/2 inches  x 2 inches high

Materials: Ceramic pottery