Glo Gallery

(305) 758-2727
55 NE 87th Street
(100 yds. West of Biscayne Blvd.)
Miami, Florida 33138

SOL:D….Large DC Comics Inspired Painting of the Green Arrow and the Manhunter, 1970

Original price was: $750.00.
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In this 1970 Large  Watercolor Painting of DC Comics Superhero Green Arrow is teaching a lesson to the Manhunter on Port Authority men’s room etiquette.  Fun, campy and well painted, signed and dated on lower right side.  Unable to decipher signature.
With inspiration of Robin Hood, Ollie Queen would turned into the Green Arrow aka Emerald Archer, Battling Bowman, when needed. The character was created by Morton Weisinger and George Pap in 1941 as a contemporary of Batman.  The Green Arrow was the defender of the working class and underprivileged.  Sometimes he was in conflict with his friends Batman and Superman.  Also known as a good cook, he served the hottest chili in town, only Batman and him were able to enjoy.
The costume of the other figure is similar to one use by one of the incarnations of the Manhunter.  The Manhunter was created in 1942 and throughout his life was the alter ego of a number of different characters, Dan Richards (policeman), Rick Nelson (big game hunter), Paul Kirk (investigator), and Mark Shaw (public defender).  Later on, some were cloned from Paul Kirk and became the anti-heroes battling the Guardians.
Measurements: 30 inches by 40 inches.  Watercolor/ink on thick illustration board.  The painting was treated professionally to remove the acid content of the board to prevent deterioration.

Materials: Thick illustration board, ink and watercolor.