Glo Gallery

(305) 758-2727
55 NE 87th Street
(100 yds. West of Biscayne Blvd.)
Miami, Florida 33138

Italian Modern Seta Vase by Aldo Londi for Bitossi Orange & Gilt 1950s

Original price was: $325.00.
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One of Aldo Londi‘s Mid Century creations, his SETA (Silk) Series of Sgraffito Pottery for Bitossi in fun vibrant orange glaze and gold gilt.  A lovely hand made striated vase with bands incised with small uneven shapes. The gold gilt stripes have been hand painted over the orange background and the vase tapers up to a fluid rectangular opening finished in gold.

Stamped with ink on bottom Hand Painted  ITALY

Measurements:  Bottom  8 inches wide  x 4 inches deep  Top  3  3/8 inches  x  2 inches  Height 7  3/4 inches


Materials: Hand Painted Ceramic