Glo Gallery

(305) 758-2727
55 NE 87th Street
(100 yds. West of Biscayne Blvd.)
Miami, Florida 33138

Antique Japanese Tools – Blacksmith Tong Pincer and Woodcarver Gouge Chisel

Original price was: $225.00.
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Antique Japanese Tools, a Blacksmith Tong Pincer and Woodcarver Gouge Chisel, both  early 20th Century. most likely late Meiji Period.   The tong or pincer is sculpturally pleasing to the eye and made out of forged iron in good condition with some oxidation and a couple of paint splatters.  The chisel has a wooden body with a metal gouge, there is a crack in the wood on both sides of the metal gouge.  Beautiful tools apparently hand made in a time when things were crafted by artisans and pieces cherished.

Measurements: Pincer  16 inches long   x   2 inches wide  x   3/4 inches thick – Chisel  12 3/4 inches wide  x   4 1/2 inches high  x   3/4 inches thick

Materials: Wood and metal