Glo Gallery

(305) 758-2727
55 NE 87th Street
(100 yds. West of Biscayne Blvd.)
Miami, Florida 33138

Aimo Nietosvuori for JIE Gantofta Keramik Verkstad Trio of Pottery Wall Plaques 1970s Sweden

Original price was: $285.00.
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Whimsical trio of ceramic wall plaques designed by Aimo Nietosvuori (b. 1933-Finland) for the Swedish ceramic company JIE Keramik.  The plaques depict members of a family sporting 1920s-30s clothing.

JIE Keramik was established in Gantofta Sweden in 1942 by John Ewert “Jie” Johnson and stop production in 1992.

Aimo Nietosvuori worked for JIE as the leading designer from the 1970s through its closing in 1992

All in Very Good condition. No issues. In back incised JIE SWEDEN 899/898/897 – Paper Label – JIE Verkstad SWEDEN Design: AIMO

Measurements: Family – 8 3/4 inches wide x 6 1/2 inches high x 1  1/2 inches deep – Individuals – 4 3/4 inches wide x 6 7/8 inches high x 1  1/2 inches deep