Glo Gallery

(305) 758-2727
55 NE 87th Street
(100 yds. West of Biscayne Blvd.)
Miami, Florida 33138

1960s SKLO Bohemian Modern Brutal Glass Vase by Miloslav Klinger for Zelezdroske Sklo Czechoslovakia

Original price was: $165.00.
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Exceptional Mid-Century Modern Pink colored crystal Bud Vase defined by a highly textured base and a soft and bulbous triangular shape, possibly created by Miloslav Klinger in the 1960s. The bottom half of the small vase has a granular sugar finish while the top is smooth and clear lilac pink, just a beauty. Retains the SKLO foil gold label of Zeleznobrodské Sklo Glassworks, ZBS in Zelesny Brod, Czechoslovakia. Measuring 3 1/2 inches diameter and 3 1/2 inches high, it sits on a semi triangular bottom.

Materials: blown art glass.